A Hero's Journey: "Gladiator" (the movie).

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"Gladiator" is a movie meant to be remembered for many years to come. It is an action-packed; historical, tragic, emotional, vengeful, moral, amazing, exciting, breath-taking, and thrilling ride into the era of the Roman Empire. Maximus was the most honorable, respected, and skilled general Rome had ever has, and when everything is taken from him, he still manages to die as Rome's most respected, honorable, and skilled gladiators. Maximus is the definition of Gladiator. "Gladiator" …

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…figure, but the story has great lessons and morals that are taught to its audience. The cinematography of the movie is just brilliant. You have to see the movie to really understand what goes on and it will amaze you. Maximus takes on an empire and comes out on top. Maximus was the best of the best. He is not just a mere man of honor and an amazing gladiator. No, Maximus is the Gladiator.