A Day at the Beach

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
As I awake from a dreamy slumber, I smell the sweet sensation of buttermilk pancakes cooked to perfection. I slowly got out of the soft hotel bed and made my way to the small kitchen. I opened the snow, white refrigerator door and grabbed the halfway filled milk jug. I twisted off the light blue cap and gulped down a large portion of the delicious 2% milk. I quickly walked towards my hazel suitcase, sitting near …

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…smother it with butter. After I finish smoothing out the yellow butter, I grab the maple syrup and drown my pancakes in it. I am so hungry that I don't even get up to get a fork. I just grab the hot cake in my hand and shove half of it in my mouth. It tastes so delicious. I wish every morning in Ohio could be like the ones I am having at Myrtle Beach!