A Culture study of Plastic Surgery and its presence on television

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The cultural manifestations that I am really interested in pursuing for the Spring Project are the current programs on television concerning plastic surgery. There are several shows out right now such as MTV's 'I want a Famous Face' and FX's 'Nip, Tick'. I think that both of these shows present a discourse in identity in the idea of alterations of their physical appearance. Both shows present issues on what it mean's to be beautiful, the …

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…There are still no laws yet in the United States to say what is dangerous to oneself or what can actually kill you from plastic surgery. Maybe there should be a limit on the amount of physical alterations that can be performed on the body. On the show 'I want a Famous Face', mostly people from 18-30 years old who want to replicate the faces of celebrity whom they either idolize or want to emulate.