A Clockwork Orange

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The movie A Clockwork Orange takes place in the future of London. Anthony Burgess originally wrote it. Later on made into a movie, and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The movie is to represent ultra-violence and how there is no scientific cure yet. The social context is very violent in the beginning showing scenes of rape and assault. The movie shows a violent killer and rapist, and an attempt to cure him that fails. The author …

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…a Tiger, The Enemy in the Blanket, and Beds in the East. By 1959, Anthony Burgess was devoted totally to writing. He lived all over in places such as Italy, the United States, and Monaco. He wrote eleven novels from 1960-1964. In 1962 he put out A Clockwork Orange which made him famous. Burgess's novel was a best seller, and then made into a hit film. Stanley Kubrick directed the film. This movie fully represents ultra violence.