A Biography of The Beatles

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The Beatles were one of America's most influential rock groups from the 60's. The 1960's were years of psychedelic experimentation, new cults, and some of the best music that had ever been heard before. With the Vietnam War going on and the draft being placed in full effect, the youth mainly was set into a rebellion against the government and in doing so turned to new music, symbols, and protests. These aspects along with many …

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…by the group. The music on the album was a last chance effort to keep the group together, and although the album was well received, it was not what the group had in mind. The Beatles did not make another recording after that date, though there were rumors of the group reforming until the shooting of Lennon in 1980. The shooting of John Lennon put an end to this incredible rock group that changed the world.