A Biographical Analysis of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".

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"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is a somewhat lengthy poem concerning the paranormal activities of a sea mariner and his crew. The work was constructed to be the beginning piece in Lyrical Ballads, a two-volume set written by William Wordsworth and Coleridge. Wordsworth intended to, in his volume, make the ordinary seem extraordinary, while Coleridge aimed to make the extraordinary ordinary. "The Rime" was first published in 1798. Despite the current …

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…a biographical analysis provides an insightful look into the life of the author that created the work. In "The Rime," Coleridge has the Mariner facing many of the same obstacles that he faced throughout his life, including death, isolation, constant wandering, and a final search for salvation. Works Cited: Coleridge, Samuel. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Fry 26-75. Fry, Paul, ed. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Boston and New York: Bedford / St. Martin's, 1999.