A Best Friend is 4-ever, is about friends that have been through a lot and tells what friends are truly for.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I never knew a friendship could be so strong and last so long. The day we met was way back in time, And our friendship has lasted from that day on. A friendship like ours is hard to find, And sometimes it could take a lifetime to find that one true friend Who would be by your side when times get too hard to face all alone. I never would have known we could grow …

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…those times we were split apart By things that shouldn't have been, And now I know how lucky I am to have you as my best friend. I am so lucky to have you, because I love you And you're my best friend until the end, And you can always count on me because I'll be here for you When all the good doors begin to close, Because that's what a best friend is for!