9/11 - An Indians Outlook .

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
9/11- the Indian story .(an Indians outlook) Says Khushwant Singh , "we divide history into B.C (before birth of Christ) and A.D (after death of Christ), we may in future divide epochs (era) into before September 11 and after September 11 ......" "A year after the terrorist attacks in the United States, America", says Dileep Padgaonkar , "and the world at large , are yet to come to terms with their genesis (start) and ramification (consequences) . Underneath the bravado (…

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…however after the 911 attacks the world has changed for the better thanks in large measures of America's leadership . The defeat of Taliban has helped to contain the spread of terrorism . IF hopes of people encouraged the president of the USA George Bush to take up the joint venture of president of Pakistan Parvez musharraf to eliminate the terrorism it is possible that the ones who were involved in the 911 attacks can be perished . BY, Ershan.