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Essay Database > History
The day of 9/11 is a day that will be in the back of everybodys minds for lifetime. On that sorrowful day four passenger airplanes were highjacked and ultimately crashed. Two of the airplanes crashed into each of the Twin Towers located in New York City. After the buildings burned for around 20 minutes they fell to the ground bringing along millions of tons of debris that killed many workers from both towers. One of the other …

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…their unaware state of mind. 9 also made some people very rich from making those t-shirts of the towers going down or those NYPD hats. From those towers going down everyone made something from it. Weather it was living everyday knowing your wife died, to making a quick buck from some kind of postcards with the Twin Towers burning. But hopefully from this we will all learn to live for today and not wait till TOMMAROW