"451 Fahrenheit" by Bradbury.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In his book Bradbury shows his view of the future as he sees it from the 1950s. In the society, that Bradbury describes, books are forbidden and with them - the right to think for yourself. The main character of the book is Guy Montag, who works as a fireman, but instead of putting out fires his job is to burn books. In the beginning Montag is happy with his job and his life, but …

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…read Fahrenheit 451, and not only for the sake of reading but also to think about how it could apply it to your everyday life. The decision to be well educated or to stay uneducated is in the hands of each of us and this book gives you an idea of what may happen if everyone would become ignorant. Although it may appear to be uninteresting there is a lot of meaning and thought in it.