3G Mobile Telecomms Marketing Study

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Pages: 21
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
What is 3G? 3G - or 3rd generation - technology supports the broadband, packet-based transmission of text, multimedia data - such as audio, video and digitized voice - at a high data rate. It will greatly enhance the next generation of mobile communication services, providing always-on connectivity to phones and other wireless communications, regardless of time and place. 3G has been endorsed by major standards bodies and manufacturers. WCDMA is the leading 3G standard. It …

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…functionality. These, like the product itself, when first launched are likely to be particularly expensive. A good sales promotion to sell more units would be to give these accessories away with the main product. Possible "cash back" and money off vouchers to be spent on Nokia products could also be utilised. These sale promotions, although promoted in the advertising of the product, should be aimed at the wholesaler/retailer as well as the end consumer.