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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
1984 George Orwell takes a grim look at our near future through his novel 1984. Although, 1984 has come and gone, this novel is still a look into our future. Written and published in 1948, Orwell wanted to give the impression that this horrible future was just around the corner. In his novel, George Orwell warns of the terrifying dangers that man may create for himself in his quest for a utopian society. It warns that people might believe …

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…put it, and it will be shaded even more. Perhaps if it does happen, it will be done right, and never end. This is what Orwell portrayed in the novel. He left the world in the exact same way we found it, minus a few people. Actually, they never existed. The sad thing is with today's technology, I see this coming closer and closer. All someone has to do is piece it together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**