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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Winston Smith, the main character in the novel 1984, rebels, acts stubborn, and shows braveness against the Party in many ways. The Party is a group who controls the people of Oceania. There are many rules that the people must abide by. If they don't and they get caught, they will be punished. Winston was one of those people who rebelled until he got caught. One of the ways he rebelled against the Party was at …

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…easy it is to be brainwashed. Winston used his braveness to rebel against the Party even though he knew he could get caught and then when he did, he used his stubborness to try not to give in to the torture but he ended up failing. After reading my examples, I hope you understand that although he does get caught, Winston is known, by the readers, for his rebellousness, braveness, and stubborness against the Party.