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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Summary: It is the year 1984 and England is ruled by the Party, it has became a dictatorship. The world is divided in three parts: Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia. Britain lays in Oceania, but is called Airstrip One. Winston Smith works at the department of Minitrue, where he falsifies documents and changes the historical facts. He is one of the few people left, that is not happy under the reign of The Party. One day he …

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…to death of rats) and the cages is fitted around Winston's head. Then Winston yells that they should do it to Julia and not to him. Considering that that was the highest form of betrayal (betraying your beloved ones) Winston is released. When he returns to the world he is a physical and psychological wreck. When he meets Julia, they both confess they've betrayed each other in room 101. Later, Winston realizes he loves Big Brother.