1944 U.S. Presidential Election.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Franklin D. Roosevelt had won the past three presidential elections and he wasn't going to stop there. For the previous twelve years of his presidency, Roosevelt had worked hard to lead Americans out of the Depression and reconstruct the economy. He helped citizens to rebuild confidence in them and in their country. He focused upon concern, attempting to balance taxes and moderate prices of food, even instituting farm price controls. In his 1932 inaugural address he …

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…a sickly man who hid everything from his country. The facts show us that only 53% of the populous voted for Roosevelt, yet 81% of the Electoral College voted for him. Almost half the citizens didn't vote for him, yet history has made him one of the most popular presidents. Whether one voted for or against Roosevelt, the election is based on how people viewed his performance at the white house during his presidencies: Roosevelt vs. Roosevelt.