Paper on the Yakuza, its origins and schemes

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Essay Database > History > European History
Yakuza: Samurai Misfits, Gambling Degenerates and other Assorted Ruffians By Will Donovan America has the Mob. Ireland has the IRA. Southeast Asia has the Triads. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan have the Tong. These are all old, powerful crime organizations. . Japan has the Yakuza. We will explore the Yakuza, from their origins, to their operations and their current day situation. The Yakuza can trace their origins back to as early as 1612, when people known as …

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…who disagree with them, yelling damaging secret and sending info to newspapers. In Japan, embarrassment is worse than physical threats, so the companies usually pay off. You have now heard their history, their influences and their methods. You are now better educated on this ruthless gang. That is what this is, and there is no romanticizing about organized crime if you really think about it. But some of it is really cool regardless, isn't it?