Herman Melville's "Moby Dick", or "The Whale".

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Essay Database > Literature
Philosophers of different époques and time periods were trying to find the answer for the eternal questions: What is good and what is evil? Where is the border between these two notions? Does God exist? What is the role of man and nature? Undoubtedly, there are no precise answers, however, some interesting theories and ideas appear. In fact, it would be wrong to say that only philosophers are constant truth-searchers. Almost every …

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…fact, Melville reflected the reality, choosing such an end for the novel. Who knows, perhaps, the key to the meaning of life is buried in understanding and determining the vague border between good and evil? Or are these two notions so supernatural that a human being will never come too close to understand them? Bibliography: 1. The original text is taken from: www.americanliterature.com 2. Abeltina, R., Fleija, Dz.,Misane, A., English and American Literature, Zvaigzne, 1976