Amphitrite Beach

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
<Tab/><Tab/> During summertime, my favorite destination is Amphitrite Beach, situated on the Atlantic coast twenty minutes south of Rabat, the capital of morocco. Because of its proximity to the city, this lovely beach is he preferred destination for the Rabatis (1) it is also the main destination for the peripheral population of villages and suburban areas surrounding the beach, which is made up mainly of low-income households. …

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…sand is darker, probably because so many people step on it. Indeed, during the summer, the beach is always packed with thousands of people from lower social backgrounds than the occupants of the hotel. When the sun goes down, the rich will get in their Mercedes and limos and head to their mansions. The less privileged will run in small groups toward their ghettos. However, everybody will be happy to have spent a pleasant day.