Leonardo da Vinci and math

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Essay Database > History > European History
Leonardo da Vinci was born April 15th, 1452 in the town of Vinci, now known as Italy, to a Florentine lawyer. Growing up on a farm, Leonardo took a great interest in nature and the animals of the mountains. Since Leonardo was illegitimate, he was unable to attend school with regular kids. At age 15, he became an apprentice to an artist known as Andrea del Verrocchio. There he learned to create his own masterpieces while studying …

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…of The Last Supper, but Leonardo was also a great mathematician. With a full circle, Da Vinci could make a perfect pendulum. He could even turn the circle into a triangle. Without him we might not know how to do these things. With just a circle, Leonardo could make a square. An ax shape can be turned into a square thanks to him and without da Vinci, the world would just not be the same.