(Descriptive Essay) (Title) A SWIMMING ADVENTURE

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
A SWIMMING ADVENTURE By Misty Moore Awaking early, I decided to sit on the screened porch and watch the Florida sun come up. Within a very short time as I sat there, the sun peaked on the horizon as it gradually awakened from its night of slumber. The dew sparkled like diamonds as the sun's rays tenderly caressed the grass. Off in the distance, I could hear the world spring to life as the birds …

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…birds as they sang, the laughter of they children as the played, the show of the dolphins, the beauty of the beach and the setting sun, I thanked God for all the wonderful gifts he had given me. THE END Graded and Corrected A+ paper The teacher wanted us to write an essay about something that happned in our lives. I scored a 94% on this essay due to poor punctuation, which has since been fixed.